Local Hendersonville City Paper
October 1999

Trigger lock giveaway program gets boost from NRA Foundation

By Suzie Perkins, Editor

Hendersonville's trigger lock giveaway program now has $1,000 more in the bank, thanks to a donation from the NRA Foundation.

Mayor Hank Thompson accepted the check recently from John Harris, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, and Sate Rep. Ben West, who chaired an event co-sponsored by the NRA and TFA to generate funds for gun safety programs across the state.

"This is a wonderful model of what we'd like to see across the state," West said of Thompson's program to furnish free trigger locks to anyone requesting them. "God knows how many lives are being saved. This donation is just one way we can show our support."

Thompson, who estimates that over 1,000 free trigger locks have been distributed here, sent letters to all 356 mayors in the Tennessee Municipal League, challenging them to all give away at least 100 locks in their communities. He received responses from many cities which accepted the challenge. In New Johnsonville, for example, the DuPont company got behind the effort and distributed 500 locks there.

The free trigger locks are available at Hendersonville City Hall during regular business hours.

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