Be sure to tell the office if you receive any of the following public benefits:
Medicaid / Medicare
Get all medical treatment your doctor recommends:
Do not skip or miss any appointments.
Do not stop treatment until your doctor has
recommended that you stop. If you have ongoing
symptoms and are not seeing a doctor, seek treatment in a timely fashion.
Keep the Office informed of all
medical care:
Report all tests, MRI scans, X-rays, physical therapy, surgery
and other treatment. Let us know of any refferals to new
health care providers.
Report when you have finished with your treatments.
Make sure we have the following documents:
A copy of your own auto insurance policy.
A copy of any lien or subrogationnotice.
A copy of all medical bills and
reports and letters from insurance companies.
Document your physical injuries:
Keep photographs of your injuries including
bruises, lacerations, stitches, casts, visible swelling, scars.
Take additional pictures either weekly or monthly as you recover
Keep the name and date on each picture for later reference.
Document the property
damage to your motor vehicle:
Send us a copy of all repair estimates.
Send us photographs showing the property damage.
Document any wage loss:
Send us pay stubs for two weeks before the
accident and each week after you return to work, if the
wage loss continues
If you are self employed, send
your copies of your tax returns
for the year of the accident and
two years prior.
Obtain a letter from your employer on their stationery
Your job title
Your regular hourly rate of pay
Hours in regular work week
Dates, days/week, you were absent
because of the accident
Amount of any sick pay or vacation pay
used to cover this accident.
Use the forms we
have provided to
make a record of
medications and
other expenses
and send these
forms with
your pain,
and loss of
enjoyment of
life on a
Stay in
touch with us:
We need to know
of any changes
in your address
and telephone
including work
numbers and
changes in your
marital status
and employment.
Do not
speak with any
adjuster about
your personal
injury or the
accident. You
may speak with
the adjuster
about the
property damage
to your motor
vehicle only.
bring to our
attention any
questions or
concerns you
have about your